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Whats the dumbest thing youd dog has done


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Last year my Lab tackled a skunk in my back yard.Really got her good.After cleaning her all up with scent remover and listening to her whine for hours, the very next day, not even 24 hrs later she tackled the same damn skunk again.

Sometimes i wonder what goes through those little brain cells.dunno.gif



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how much did you pay for the scent remover?



I got it from the vet.it was around 40 bucks. Powdered laundry soap and water worked best.Sunlight.

the crazy witch went after another one this spring, but the skunk missed her and sprayed my bloody garden shed.Still smells of skunk today when it rainswallbash.gifwallbash.gif

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$40??? ouch


next time your at the store pick up a couple of tubes of MacLean's toothpaste..

lightly wet the dog down and then rub him down with the tooth paste,then rinse him off, and put a squirt in his mouth to if he had his mouth open.

my Sheppard use to get sprayed alot, and thats what the vet used to clean him.

at about a buck a tube , its way cheaper and works really good.

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My dog jumped straight off the bow of my boat when i was running wide open with my trolling motor. She hit the water, and before she could surface, the boat was on top of her.


Luckly I reacted fast enough to jump off the casting deck, and jam my hand under the boat. I felt hair, so I grabbed an pulled. My wife was at the motor, and didn't realize what was going on. There's a good chance she would have been hit by the prop.


She has a life jacket now, and doesn't ride on the bow when where moving.

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My dog jumped straight off the bow of my boat when i was running wide open with my trolling motor. She hit the water, and before she could surface, the boat was on top of her.


Luckly I reacted fast enough to jump off the casting deck, and jam my hand under the boat. I felt hair, so I grabbed an pulled. My wife was at the motor, and didn't realize what was going on. There's a good chance she would have been hit by the prop.


She has a life jacket now, and doesn't ride on the bow when where moving.


Geez Nick, I'm wondering how badly you treat that dog for her to want to commit suicide! :) Good on ya for going after her.

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My lab mix had to be put down a month ago, he kept having strokes and after 16 years it was time to let the old guy go out with out hurting himself. My neighbors shoot groundhogs in their yard, but they are rather rotund, so they don`t approach the idea of picking up the dead carcasses with the same vigor. Well old Shadow liked to explore and bring home treasures, one day he came back from exploring with what looked like a piece of hairy beef jerky as big as a dinner plate. he though he was bringing the groundhog jerky in the house.


Kids took Mr. Shadow for a walk to the store on the traffic circle a mile away (on a (leash), bad plan, he learned of new places to explore. Being the social butterfly that he was if no one was outside around the yard he would go up there on his own looking for some one to play with. So we would get calls, your dog is back here again.


He would get in the car with anyone that offered to take him for a ride, even if the offer wasn`t made vocally, he was fast enough to get into the car, truck, van before you could if you opened the door. Stranger? if you are taking me for a ride you are not a stranger! you are my new friend!


Him and my long time fishing buddy 2 doors down dog where buddies, another lab. Shadow had a sixth sense about him, Buster just got a bath, time to get him and go play in the mud, wander the creek bed, can`t have him wandering around clean!


In his younger days we spoiled him, after Christmas dinner he got the ham bone, bad move, he became a ham bone junkie, no neighbors trash was safe! If they were having ham? he went looking for the bone! and he could knock over a trash can!


Nothing major, a good dog and a missed friend.

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Reminds me of ours Paul.. we taught him to stay within eye sight of the back door by giving him a treat everytime we came home up the laneway. We know he wandered off the 120... but he was damn quick getting to that door before we did!! lol


RIP Rikki..



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LOL Wayne they can be funny, stand at the door and holler for the dog and he won`t come, but start the car in the drive and he was on his way. My yard is 1000 feet deep, his bed was in the laundry room that is half below ground level. He would come tearing up the steps barking at the patio door, deer outback 800 feet behind the house. I don`t think he could hear them? so smelled them?


At least he had sense enough never to chase a skunk!

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i had a cocker one time, and everytime a certain news anchor on one of the american chanels started talking, he would go over and use the reomte to turn the TV off.Never knew why, or how he learned to do that.He was a pound rescued dog.he used to like watching dog the bounty hunter with me.They must be able to sense things in voices or something like that.

if anyone has ever seen th animated film UP, the dog in the movie was based on my Lab Trinity.Dumb as a door knob but sharp as a tack.Has to say hello to everything,including every bee that lands on the flowers in my backyard.WHY do they never learn !dunno.gif

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Had our retriever try to eat a red devil I left out once.. I heard a strange noise coming from the entrance and I found her trying to shake it loose from her upper lip!!! Took that one off myself without too much trouble.


She did eat a shinner left on a little hook one spring whilst fishing for ice out whities and had to be taken to the vet to have it removed from her throat. I could feel the hook and so could the vet but it was impossible to get it out because the urge to swallow was too overpowering. The vet had me hold her down while he tried to anesthetize her and after he had inserted the tube, realized that it was too small and had to pull it out. I saw a bit of blood on the tube and I passed out right there in the operating room!! When I came to she was drooping drunk and behind bars, but he had gotten the hook out..


Then there was the incident with a skunk.. I came home from the bar at 3am and she wanted out, and I didn't think to tie her up cause I was loopy drunk... She bust out the door and went straight for a skunk on the deck! I wasn't about to clean her in my condition so I figured I'd keep her in the shop until the morning. What I didn't realise was that the door leading to the house was ajar and she went straight for momy and daddys bed... I can still hear the shriek. Quite possibly the worst night of my life.


She never did learn though.. Skunks, porcupines, rolling around in carrion and other people's turds, lip smacking outhouse binges, etc..


Stupidest pooch we've ever had. Pretty safe to say that in-breeding was the culprit. Still, best dog ever!!


RIP Maxime. Wish I had a pic.




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Did you ever wonder what your dog would do when the chips were down and your life was in danger? Almost 8 years ago while walking my black lab Sam in Charleston Lake Provincial Park north of Gananoque, I slipped on black ice and broke my leg quite badly. So bad in fact that the surgeon said it had exploded. Fortunately it happened about 20 yards or so from an emergency phone so I was able to slowly crawl over to it. The bad news is that all the way over to the phone Sam avidly tried to hump me. So much for Sam the wonder dog. I knew he loved me but not by that much.

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~~~Was up on Pigeon PrePhish with the wife, and my dog Missy, was heavy into the pads, with Missy watching every cast, what a LM hit my Swamp Rat. Missy took off after it snarling, had to net her, covered in pads and mud, and slime, and heave the bass in. Missy got out of the net shook her self off next to the wife and came back sat next to me ans snarled at the wife blaming her for what happen



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Just last week we lost my chihuahua for about an hour. My girlfriend was going loopy looking for the little guy. We ended up going door to door on the floor and floor to floor looking for him. My girlfriend was afraid he had jumped off the balcony (can anyone say Drawin award?) After frantically searching my girlfriend heard a whimper in the condo. It turned out he had snuck in to the pot and pans drawer under the oven while I was cooking. I'm guessing he was quite happy for a while eating away at whatever he could find, and maybe even took a nap. Stupid dog.

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Other than attempting to run through screen doors she does this.


Paris my 6 year old Min-Pin


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTMPkUnXEGQ?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTMPkUnXEGQ?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTMPkUnXEGQ?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>




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Riley (RIP) Liked to go with us to watch one of my grandsons play baseball...on one of my walks around the park he kept tugging madly to go into some bushes. After I let him, he came out covered in crap...seems someone tossed a dirty diaper under the bushes and he relished rolling on it...Papers on the back seat with me holding him on them, Maribeth drove us home and straight into a kiddies pool we had for him in the back yard...


He did the same down at Rice Lake and after we cleaned him up in the creek with laundry soap, I doused him with "Brute" aftershave...my sis-in-law said he smelled like a teen aged boy...whistling.gif


Shortly after we moved up here (Pigeon Lake) he took off exploring the neighborhood...we got a call from the local dog catcher...seems he jumped in the station wagon and sat on the passenger seat keeping him company...It still cost me $20 after they dropped him off for the sightseeing taxi ride...rolleyes.gif


So far, the only dumb thing Chiquitta has done is peed on the rug but we kinda blame ourselves for that...she just didn't have us trained yet in her way of letting us know she needs to go out...sarcasm.gif




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I had a black lab I field trained pretty hard core. While camping one year on Lingham lake we brought a potatoe gun out to our island site. With out thinking, I loaded the sucker up and let one fly. Remmy was his name. He thought I had knocked down a potatoe duck half way across the lake when he saw the splash. Off he went. I jumped in the boat, chased him, but he wouldn't come to the boat until he had the tater. I had to go back to the site, get his duck sock fly back out to him before he would give up the hunt. He slept like a baby that night. Man I miss him. Great dog.


Our family dog growing up was an irish setter/golden retriever mix named Copper. Beautiful dog. One X-mas eve we had family over and my Dad(after quite a few pops) thought he would show all the kids our new budgie, Freddy. As 10 or so kids sat around excited to pat freddy the bird, my Dad opens up the cage. The Dog was lying on the floor under the cage and to the SHOCK and AWE of the kiddies the bird only got 6 inches out of the cage and Bang. Copper had'em.

Til this day we still laugh about it...bird was fine after a $1100 bill from the vet...$1100! My Mom and sis would not let freddy go. What are budgies nowadays? Guesstimate $50?


Maybe not the dumbest dog stories, moreso the owners.

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